PM Informer

The Number One tip to Grow Your Career
Property management has never been more critical. The career is projected to grow by over 10% in the next few years and is one of the few recession-proof careers...

3 Tips for Time Management this Winter for Property Managers
Have you ever wondered how successful property managers seem to get so much done with their day? Maybe, you have even wished for a little bit of that success as...

3 Easily Forgotten Reminders for Property Managers
Property managers looking to make their day-to-day operations more efficient will be shocked at these three often overlooked areas in building cleanliness.

3 Reasons to Upgrade to a Portal for Your Corporate or Apartment Buildings
Property managers are always looking for new ways to increase efficiency. One way is by using a residential portal that streamlines the process of leasing and managing apartments.
Residential portals allow property managers to upload vacancies, accept applications, create workflows, and more all in one place.

5 Reasons that WiFi Access in Your Buildings Matters
It’s no secret that WiFi is a necessity for many people today. In fact, most people would not stay in a hotel if it didn’t offer WiFi.
When people travel, the...

The Upgrade Series | Online Payments
Is it better to go online with payments?
This is a question that some property managers are asking. Tenant reliability increases with online payment. Using the internet, landlords receive on-demand payments if borrowers fail to pay, and landlords are often free to automate their payments.

COVID-19 Vaccination Considerations for Property Managers
COVID-19 vaccines and boosters have been gaining momentum, and because of this, we are seeing an uptick of properties being more and more interactive with more...

Retain Your Tenants: Key Reasons Why Workers Need Office Space
For better or worse, remote work—or work-from-home—has become the new normal for many businesses. Some companies started a remote work plan for their employees long before the COVID-19 pandemic began. At the same time, other businesses have had to adapt to the changing work environment on the fly as the pandemic unfolded.

How to Prepare Your Properties for Winter & the Holidays
For much of Canada and a large portion of the United States, the fall of 2021 has been unseasonably warm.
There hasn’t been much in the way of frost and barely...